In memory
Photo exhibition by Waltraud Kühne and Sibylle Hagemann
A photographic look at funeral culture in Greifswald and elsewhere Exhibition in the front building of St. Spiritus, entrance Lange Straße 49,
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10:00 – 18:00,
Sat 10:00 – 14:00
Vernissage: 07.07.2022 | 19:00 h
Admission free
In this photo exhibition the local sepulchral culture, funeral culture is the subject, the photographers have focused mainly on the Greifswald cemeteries. But examples from the immediate vicinity and the Ohlsdorf Cemetery in Hamburg also offer an insight into the historical diversity of burial culture and places of remembrance for the deceased. As archaeological findings prove, burials have existed for thousands of years. Even our “closest relatives” in the human family tree, the Neanderthals, are said to have ritually buried their deceased.
Depending on the cultural background and chronological sequence, the customs and buildings vary: e.g. the giant pyramids of Egypt to the present day the urn fields in our cemeteries, but also the trend towards burial at sea or in cemetery forests just as the most diverse mourning events.
Waltraud Kühne was chairwoman of the Fotoclub Greifswald for many years, is now honorary member, Sibylle Hagemann is active member of the Fotoclub Greifswald.