Intercultural Café
at St.Spiritus
every first and third Wednesday
of the month from 16 – 18 o’clock:
We cordially invite you to the Intercultural Café. People of all ages and cultures can get to know each other and exchange ideas over cake and coffee and board games. We will be happy if guests bring something for the homemade cake buffet. Fair trade coffee is available.
Since March 2016, the “Intercultural Café” has been held at St.Spiritus – jointly organized by St. Spiritus – Socio-Cultural Center of the City of Greifswald, the project “Weltfreunde” and Weltblick e.V., (which runs the world store at St.Spiritus).
The Intercultural Café is intended to facilitate encounters between refugees and residents. People of all ages and cultures can get to know each other and exchange ideas over cake and coffee and board games. The project “Weltfreunde” of the AStA Greifswald has already founded the Intercultural Café in the fall of 2015. It now takes place weekly: the first and third Wednesdays of the month at St. Spiritus, the second and fourth Thursdays of the month at the meeting place of the WGG “Kiek In” (Fritz-Curschmann-Weg 1,
Fair trade coffee is offered at the St.Spiritus Socio-Cultural Center. In the course of the meeting café format, ideas for events or regular, thematic offers in the house can develop – and above all friendships and partnerships between old and new citizens of our city.