The St.Spiritus radio concerts – live from our concert hall!
If the doors of our house remain closed, you do not have to miss good music – live from St.Spiritus. Thus, from April 2020 – May 2021, we held regular radio concerts during the closure phases to continue experiencing local culture and not let it die. Thanks to the great voluntary commitment of the makers of Radio98eins and the professional support of Tontechnik Kühn and Elandir Productions, this was possible!
The musicians had to imagine the audience on radios and screens, but it is important to us that even during the closure of our house people did not have to miss out on good concerts from the cultural center, and local musicians* did not have to miss out on paid performances. St.Spiritus did not generate any income with this, but the subsidies from the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern made it possible that the concerts could and can take place. Also, some have purchased a radio concert ticket – thank you for that!!!
Since April 2020, we have organized 21 radio concerts – live from the St.Spiritus Cultural Center and co-hosted with the local radio station radio98eins: good music is brought home live! From the end of June, a limited audience was allowed to attend.
Also in the second lockdown period in 2021, we put up more concert recordings and then made them available for reliving.
Through the concerts that we have archived on Youtube and here, you may also discover new music “made in MV” for yourself, because we have a rich and diverse music scene here, which we can now present specifically. Well-known bands and newcomers play here – that’s how we see the crisis as an opportunity.
Each concert was broadcast live on Radio 98eins https://radio98eins.de/livestream
and also as a livestream on the Facebook page of the cultural center:
The Best of …
Here we have compiled a “Best of” the 2020 radio concerts: